I am Content

i Learned i have to be content

I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances

and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance 

I have learned in any circumstances the secret of facing every situation whether well-fed or going 
having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want 

I am ready for any thing and equal anything through Him Who infuses inner strength in to me. I am self sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency

(Paul in his letter to Philippians)

- I am in a life learning process. I still learn with ups and downs. like Paul said, some time in plenty situation sometime in hungry, sometime in life full of laugh, sometime full of tears. But through all things, i feel sufficient in Christ's sufficiency - 

Letter of Life

I almost 30 yo, and.....
  I found that no other thing is more important than relationship either to God or to others. Somehow I learned also, that as person I am easily to be trapped in human desire, money, wealthiness changes me from human being to human having even though i realized I wouldn't bring anything If God calls me. I learned that don't ever hold something to tight, it would hurt you so much if it is taken from you, and in fact there is no assurance for us to have them forever.

  I learned all are given by God, its not because you are eligible to receive but it's because of His grace. You don't need to do anything to earn His love so why do as person you try so hard to catch other's pleasure.
I learned that, everything is easier when you open your heart for everything, it could be a situation, a person, a job, and even a bitter experience. Life is moving, it won't be static in one place. Beside, why so worry? God has designed everything. What i need is just to be patient.
Sometime we need to wait, some time we have to catch up, sometime we just need to be in silent. How do you know what to do, is by getting close to God and He'll show you the way. Never postpone something good. If you want to give, let it be given, if you want to forgive then forgive don't delay it because you would've never known when is the last time of a human including your self. Life is too short to be spoiled by collecting something not eternal. Be wise! 
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Aku manusia yang berdansa dalam sepi

Kesendirian adalah temanku

Dan hening menjadi musikku

Pada akhirnya tiap orang akan mati dalam "S.E.N.D.I.R.I" bukan?

Seperti mereka lahir dan datang SENDIRI ke muka bumi

Jangan meratap wahai jiwaku 

Sesungguhnya rumahmu tidak di sini

kerinduanmu pun tak ada di bumi

dan sesungguhnya tak pernah kesepian engkau

Suatu hari nanti aku akan pulang ke rumahku yang sebenarnya, dan disamput oleh Dia yang sangat kurindukan~

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Lady In Waiting, Again....

Akhirnya seluruh tarian itu berakhir, seluruh hempasan kaki yang mengikuti irama membeku. Hening, seluruh musik telah terdiam

Beberapa saat yang lalu aku pikir kau yang duduk di pojok, menunggu seluruh pesta berakhir, yah engkau itu  yang akan menggandeng tangan  ini pulang di tengah kusutnya rambut, make-up yang meluntur, dan satu per satu pengagum telah menghilang.

Aku salah...
Rupanya seluruh penantian dimulai lagi, seluruh hening ini kunikmati. Tak ada lagi musik, tak ada lagi gema di udara, tak ada lagi pakaian yang indah, lalu tak ada kamu. 
Mungkin hening adalah musikku, atau mungkin saatnya kuciptakan musik sendiri? 

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